Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hello Again! Like My New Bling?

Weird. It’s been so long since I’ve even thought about this blog. So long, in fact, that I forgot how to log in to it. Then I got this email today saying that I had won some sort of “Best Leukemia Blog 2010” award.

Umm. Thanks. I hope that my new blog bling isn't some sort of computer version of MRSA.

I guess we should get some kind of award for our hellish past year. So, thanks for the handsome badge I’ve placed over yonder. Thanks for reading, voting, selling your souls or whatever you've done to get me on this list, and my apologies for neglecting you for these many months. Thanks for accepting my snarky writing style. Above all, thanks for caring about my family. I will get y’all up to speed…