Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oodles of Noodles

Every family has at least one. You know what I mean - the saucy, pasta explosion of a child, forever captured on film. The Spaghetti Photo.

You know you've got at least one (and if you don't, you've either lived a sheltered life or don't dare ask your mother, for fear of what embarrassing photographic evidence of your gappy-toothed childhood she will unearth - probably from a tidily arranged and oh-so-cutely decorated scrapbook).

I'm not afraid.

It's spaghetti night here, and I recently gave away the last of our bibs...

Not too bad. Pajamas stayed blue...

Oh me...

Oh my...

I'm speechless...

And the pajamas? Thank you for your concern for their safety. They have gone to the wash, until they meet Molly another day.

So be they Boomer, Generation X, my own MTV Generation, or that of the yet to be named cohort of my childrens', we want to see your best Spaghetti Photos! Shall we sweeten the pot, so to speak? The best Spaghetti Photo entry (as determined by my kids and their friends) will win a wicked cool prize.

Now to call my mother, for I am certain that she has Spaghetti Photos tucked away within a cutesy scrapbook somewhere.

Go on, send 'em*!

*and don't forget to indicate in your email whether or not I (as landlady of this here web space) have permission to post your photo.